Friday, November 27, 2009 @ 4:56 AM
Big Bad Wolf Sale
THE BIG BAD WOLF WAREHOUSE BOOK SALE IS FINALLY HERE! WOOT~~I was kinda dissapointed that I counldn't make it the first round (too near PMR la.. :( ).. so I was rly hyped up when I heard of the second session coming up...
Then the following scen took place.
*Sophia all ready to go, siap bring water bottle as well..*
~~dan,dan,dan,da,dan,da,da,dan, SORRY, SORRY ringtone)~~
*beep* Hello?
Hi.. Sophia.. Uncle Tony here.. are you at the sale already a?
Sp: Huh? No wo... just about to leave the house only..
UT: Aiya, then don't bother coming lo.. JAM PACKED. I'm here (at sale) already. One glance at the crowd and I feel like going home.. so terrible..
Sp: ..........
So, in the end, we didn't for the sale.. :( ish.
So we went to Midvalley. Waaa.. sale there like siao. So many branded goods.. I bought an ELLE shirt for 50% off. So I guess today wasn't that bad after all.. hehe. :3
On a different note, looking forward to going to Josie's church tomorrow! Hee~~ and getting a hair cut~I'm gonna get it layered. Can't tahan my hair being so thick. Its H-O-T.. ish.